Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Apology to My Friends

I have noticed over the last few days that I am coming closer and closer to alienating my friends due to my passion for politics. First and foremost anyone that I have genuinely offended, I'm not talking about butthurt people who just don't agree with me, I am truly sorry.  I try my best to not be nasty. But something that people need to understand is that until Jesus comes back to get us, I have to be aware of what's going on around me in order to protect and provide for my children.  Sitting around and just letting things happen is going to allow our country to crumble around us. I don't 100% blame Obama for what has happened recently. It's not all his fault and it's not a blame that one single person should have to bear. But I do blame his party. Do some research. I'm not going to do it for you. We have been on a downward spiral for the last five years. Which yes, falls under the last two years of the Bush administration.

Either way you look at this, I have not been nasty or ugly about anything that I have posted on Facebook or anywhere else. I hate to lose friends over something like politics. However, if you are going to end a friendship because we fundamentally disagree on certain things, you were never my friend to begin with and I wish you the best in all your endeavors. We may not agree on this. We probably never will. But the one thing that I want my friends who have actually taken the time to read this to take away is that like it or not, we are in a bad sort of way right now and things are not getting better. I'm not necessarily trying to turn people into conservatives, I'm not necessarily trying to turn you Republican. I am merely trying to show some people that we can get back on track. We can come back together and restore that work ethic and spirit that we had.

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