Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Spirit of America has Gone Dim

As I write this it is five days post Obama's reelection.  The conservatives are still reeling over this enormous defeat. This is what the election this year has proven to me.

First and foremost if anyone kept up with the results you will see that it was extremely close. Which only proved one thing to me. That we are divided right down the middle. We literally cannot come together as a nation anymore. We have proven that we hate each other and are more focused on race, entitlements, the so called war on women, and pretty much everything else that ultimately has NO significant impact on a real person's life. Please those of you who were jumping up and down over birth control and abortion, please tell me how throwing a fit over having to pay for your condoms and birth control was going to seriously impact your life. It hasn't thus far has it? I'm all for birth control. Even being pro-life I am perfectly fine with women taking birth control. I digress.

Those of you freaking out over potentially losing your welfare, are you working right now? Are you unemployed because you genuinely cannot find a job, or are you just sitting on your behind because you know that you can allow the government to take care of you and your offspring and not have to worry about a thing. Were you worried that Mitt Romney might have actually created some jobs and made you get up off your rear ends and work an actual job instead of eating your Little Debbie snack cakes in the hood watching Maury? Yes, I am picking on people, yes I have friends with this mentality. It saddens me. It makes me angry frankly. The reason it does is because I can remember when I was in nursing school I had to practically be dragged into Human Services to get a little help to better myself. But yet there are folks that will stroll up in that place with their smart phones in hand, nice clothes on their backs and quite possibly have as nice a car as I work my ass off for. Yes, it does matter what people do with their money when they're on welfare. If you can pay $100 a month for a phone $100 a month for cable then you can buy food for yourself. You can pay for your own housing and daycare. Again, I digress.

Now onto the subject of race. Are there really people out there that voted Obama yet again based on his race? Probably so. I honestly could not even try to guess the number. I am by far not a racist. I have black friends and black co-workers that I ADORE. I repeat I ADORE THEM! I have Hispanic friends that I love and respect as well. I was reading a transcript from the Rush Limbaugh show today and a Mexican called in and stated that he listened to the show and also was a Republican. His words opened my eyes very wide. He stated that the reason Hispanics typically vote Democrat is because they usually come from an oppressed country to begin with. Therefore they are looking to a government to support them. It makes perfect sense. They are so oppressed by their home governments that they look to a government that will shelter them, and that is what the Democrat party promises.

My whole point in this is, where did the sense of pride in a hard day's work go? Where did the sense of pride that you can self sufficiently take care of your family go? It's gone by the wayside in this country and honestly that frightens me. I am a single mother and while I don't own my own home, I work very hard for all the things that I do actually have. No one gave them to me except for the gifts I am given. That's not my point though. I went to school to make a better life for myself and my children and instill that work ethic in them that things are EARNED not given away for free. I can only hope and pray that people will wake up within the next two years and realize that that spirit can be re awoken. We are better than what we have been given for the last 6 years. It's time to take our country back and be proud again.

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